Mindshifters Radio February 2023

Dr. Tim Worksheets 2-1-2023

Celinda worksheet discussion and Susan B. Worksheet 2-2-2023
Dr. Tim Worksheet 2-3-2023
Discussion 2-6-2023
Dr. Tim Worksheet and Celinda Mindshifter 2-7-2023
Discussion Susan B. 2-8-2023
Dr. Tim Worksheet and Celinda and Susan B. Discussion 2-9-2023
Dr. Tim Reports on worksheets 2-10-2023
Discussion Celinda and Susan B. 2-13-2023
Discussion of Mental/Emotional Effecting Physical and Magda 2-14-2023
Dr. Tim shares the processing of emotions effecting Physical 2-15-2023
Dr. Tim processing 2-16-2023
Dr. Tim worksheet on Fear related to his Knee 2-17-2023
Dr. Tim reports on worksheets he has done. Susan B. discussion 2-20-2023
Dr. Tim monologue and Celinda Worksheet 2-21-2023